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Malta Investment Services Licenses

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Malta has, over the past two decades, emerged as a serious jurisdiction in the world of financial services, offering a trustworthy alternative to traditional EU financial services jurisdictions.

An interesting product offered by Malta relates to the setting up and maangement of investment / financial services operators under the Investment Services Act.


Malta has, over the past two decades, emerged as a serious jurisdiction in the world of financial services, offering a trustworthy alternative to traditional EU financial services jurisdictions.

Undeniably, Malta has been very successful at attracting various financial businesses towards its shores, with the jurisdiction gaining considerable traction in the hedge funds, investment, foreign exchange and captive insurance markets.

All these factors, together with the local authority’s (the Malta Financial Services Authority) firm but flexible approach have helped Malta in becoming a jurisdiction of choice for renowned financial businesses who seek to establish themselves in a secure and well-regulated EU domicile.

An interesting product offered by Malta relates to the setting up and maangement of investment services operators under the Invetment Services Act. Any person (whether physical or legal) who desires to provide, or hold himself out as providing, an investment service in or from within Malta has to obtain a license. Moreover, anybody corporate, unincorporated body or association formed in accordance with or existing under the laws of Malta, needs to obtain a license in order to be able to provide an investment service in or from within a country, territory or other place outside Malta.

Such license provides considerable advantages to such operators. Besides providing the opportunity to operate from a EuroMed country, fully integrated within the EU and with a European Currency, Malta also offers additional advantages, including favourable tax arrangements, favourable personal taxation systems for professional financial services providers and other business and financial incentives.

A detailed presentation on the Malta Investment Services License can be obtained by logging or registering into our portal.

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