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Malta: a leading Financial Services Centre


The development of Malta as the jurisdiction of choice for companies operating in the financial services industry has been greatly aided by the efforts of the Malta Financial Services Authority (the MFSA) which adopts a prudent but flexible approach, providing a solid regulatory framework whilst encouraging progress and innovation.


The development of Malta as the jurisdiction of choice for companies operating in the financial services industry has been greatly aided by the efforts of the Malta Financial Services Authority (the MFSA) which adopts a prudent but flexible approach, providing a solid regulatory framework whilst encouraging progress and innovation.

Malta's reputation in the funds industry is steadily increasing. The types of schemes available include Professional Investor Funds (PIFs), Private Schemes, Specialist Schemes and Retail Funds. Investment services operators are also taking advantage of the Law, which is in line with the relevant EU directives, because it provides a great opportunity to operate in the financial services sector within Europe. A Licensed Maltese Investment Services Company holds a passport to operate in any country of the European Union.

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