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The importance of non-disclosure agreements in IP and ICT scena

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The IP Unit at Chetcuti Cauchi discusses established case law in this field and practical issues to take into account when drafting NDAs. 


In most IP and ICT scenarios, inventors have to work together with other team members or an external organisation for research and development of the invention. In these situations, inventors should enter into a legal contract known as a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the other team members or the external organisation.

Like any other contract, a breach of contract would result in certain consequences.

NDAs allow two parties to exchange confidential information and also obliges them not to disclose specific information to a 3rd party (whether an individual, corporation, or other entity) and further binds them not to utilise the information in any other way than agreed upon. 

The IP Unit at Chetcuti Cauchi discusses established case law in this field and practical issues to take into account when drafting NDAs. 

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