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EuRA Malta

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Managing Partner Dr Chetcuti and Mr Saliba Haig will attend the EuRA Malta Congress 2016. EuRA Malta will be the biggest event for relocation services.


Between the 19th & 22nd of April, Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti, one of the founding partners of Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates, and Mr. Antoine Saliba Haig will be attending the EuRA Malta Congress 2016.

EuRA Malta: The International Relocation Congress, EuRA Malta 2016

The EuRA International Relocation Congress is a unique event held annually in a different European city or country. The event has become a staple in the relocation calendar and is the biggest event of its kind in Europe which attracts over 600 delegates for the purpose of networking and improving relationships between business partners, giving participating delegates the chance to attend the EuRA education programs and listen to some great speakers, as well as enjoy some fantastic social events which truly set it apart. The EuRA Malta Congress 2016 is expected to be another success.

EARP training (MIM modules) and IT update in the International Relocation Congress, EuRA Malta 2016

At the EuRA Malta Congress, pre-registered delegates will have the opportunity to attend MIM Module 4 and Module 2, dealing with cultural theory & intelligence and excellence in delivery service respectively.These two modules out of the four MIM modules will provide the delegates with highly interactive training. Module 4 will examine the traditional dimensional led approach to intercultural theory and contrast it with the new CQ led approach to cultural intelligence. Module 2 will take on a new approach to achieving the highest standards of service delivery in mobility.

Breakout Sessions on Succession, IT and mobility, legal and immigration, DSPs, RMCs Working in Partnership in the International Relocation Congress, EuRA Malta 2016

All delegates will be invited to attend a number of breakout sessions at the EuRA Malta Congress. The first session will deal with succession and planning for the future. The speakers shall look at how delegates cope with changes in work and their personal lives, and what they have personally done to plan for their futures.

The IT and Mobility seminar will pick off from last year’s seminar and look at at how the advances in tech for the relocation industry and how they impact service portfolios.

A critical update will be given with regards to legal and immigration where rather pertinent issues will be addressed with regards to the changes to immigration regulations by the EU and member states altering their own rules to cope with the current immigration crisis, as well as the future of the Schengen area. This will be a key session for delegates to get a good overview of the current situation.

In the DSPs, RMCs Working in Partnership Seminar, the panel will look at the two aspects of Conscious Business: Higher Purpose and Stakeholder Integration. This will be a highly interactive seminar which will give all delegates the opportunity to work in small group workshops and carry out exercises to look at how these principles can enhance partnership within supply chains.

The future of mobility and conscious capitalism in the International Relocation Congress, EuRA Malta 2016

Three sessions will take place on Friday 22nd where the future of mobility shall be examined within the context of Conscious Capitalism. The opening session titled ‘The Future of Mobility’ will deal with the future of the industry and the current trends. The second session, will deal with how the philosophy of the Conscious Capitalism movement can be truly integrated in the relocation industry. The last session titled ‘Conscious Capitalism and Me’ will be a fast paced session where the presenters will show how they have integrated Social Values into their Conscious Business, making it a truly unique learning and sharing experience.

European Relocation Association - EuRA

EuRA was formed in 1998 with the aim of promoting the benefits of professionally managed relocation and mobility services to companies with globally mobile employees. EuRA's main objective is to promote the concept of relocation and to promote the highest levels of professionalism and services. EuRA's activities include the provision of support and advice for relocation professionals and the creation of a legal framework within which the European relocation industry can grow and develop. 

The relocation process is one of the most difficult times for an employee and his family members involving intense change on a work, life and cultural basis. The impact on family members is profound as children being globally transitioned face enormous challenges and as a relocation provider we assist the whole family with a smooth transition. Full membership within EuRA confirms Chetcuti Cauchi's leading role in providing a seamless transition for individuals and companies promoting effective and swift productivity. 

EuRA Malta - Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates become full members 

Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates has recently been admitted as a full member of the European Relocation Association - EuRA. The European Relocation Association is the professional body for relocation service providers across Europe and promotes a quality standard throughout its membership. 

Relocation Services at Chetcuti Cauchi

Our Malta Relocation Services are dedicated to providing personalised relocation assistance and support to individuals, families and corporate employees. Our exclusive services will help ease your transition before, during and after your move to Malta. As relocation providers we are committed to help globally mobile individuals to have a smooth and stress free transition by providing personal and professional assistance on everything connected with starting a new life in Malta. Our packages are customised according to the specific needs of individuals, families and corporate employees and their respective families. 

Following a successful relocation you can count on us to be there for you and your family should you need any additional assistance to make certain that one feels at home in Malta. 

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