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EU membership provides extensive funding opportunities for loca

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Funding is one of the main benefits of EU membership enjoyed by local businesses and organizations. Operational Programmes I and II have been launched under the 2007-2013 financing period in order to provide direct support to the private sector in the form of a number of aid schemes.


Funding is one of the main benefits of EU membership enjoyed by local businesses and organizations. Operational Programmes I and II have been launched under the 2007-2013 financing period in order to provide direct support to the private sector in the form of a number of aid schemes.

Schemes have been introduced under the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) managed by Malta Enterprise, the Tourism and Sustainable Development Unit and the Department of Social Welfare and Standards whereby selected project proposals by enterprises are entitled to the receipt of grants. Businesses are to submit complete project proposals ideally substantiated by relevant statistics and data, including clear activities, quantifiable outputs, outcomes and both qualitative and quantitative justifications for the proposed projects’ need of funds.

Funds are also made available through the JEREMIE instrument which aims to improve access to finance for micro, small and medium enterprises.

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