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Malta Citizenship Statistics Issued


Malta Citizenship Statistics Issued


The Komunita Malta Agency established by means of Legal Notice 436 of 2020 has marked its first year of operations by a press conference addressed by its CEO, Mr Joseph Mizzi and the Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Communities, Mr Alex Muscat. The Agency, established in 2020 is tasked with overseeing the functions pertaining to the granting of Maltese citizenship by investment and the implementation of all other provisions of the Maltese Citizenship Act including the acquisition of citizenship through descent, marriage, birth and merit. During the press conference the Agency highlighted its achievements since its first year of operations.  

Since provisions were introduced to grant Maltese citizenship by investment, the regulations generated €1,130,825,000 in contributions made by applications of which the majority was transferred to the National Development and Social Fund, whilst the rest were allocated to the government’s consolidated fund.  

Local Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) also benefitted from citizenship by investment applicants who in total donated over €1.8 million to various organisations. These NGOs include among others sports clubs, cultural heritage associations, religious entities, animal sanctuaries, band clubs, local councils, initiatives related to sport and music, the University of Malta, environmental organisations, and entities working towards inclusion and equality. The Agency on its own initiative also supported a number of philanthropic and social projects of national importance.  

Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations

During its first year the Agency also replaced the Malta Individual Investor Programme and introduced the Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations whereby applicants can apply for Maltese citizenship by establishing residence for one year and invest in real estate, give a donation to charity and make an exceptional contribution to the Government of Malta.  

The Agency also worked to amend some provisions in the Maltese law unrelated to the citizenship by investment regulations, by addressing the social imbalance whereby children born outside of marriage to a Maltese father and a non-Maltese mother, did not acquire Maltese citizenship automatically at birth, as in the case of a child born outside of wedlock to a Maltese mother.  

Citizenship by Descent Applications 

The Agency in 2021, finalised the processing of over 1,500 citizenship applications through descent. The majority of applicants who acquired citizenship through this route were Australian, British, Canadian and French. During the last three years the Agency received an increase of applications from British nationals particularly due to Brexit. The citizenship unit has also processed applications from individuals who have resided in Malta for a number of years. Such approvals are discretionary and in 2021, 785 applications were approved.  

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