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Malta Gaming Authority signs bilateral MoU with Jersey

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Malta Gaming Authority signs bilateral MoU with Jersey



A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on bilateral cooperation has been signed by the Malta Lotteries and Gaming Authority (LGA) and the Jersey Gambling Commission (JGC). The agreement provides for cloud regulation; the recognition of the use for gaming transactions of financial institutions located in the territory of either jurisdiction; the recognition of national certification bodies; and player liquidity


Through closer collaboration, the two jurisdictions will be endeavouring to develop responsible gaming measures, in particular, measures that enhance consumer and player protection. In addition, the MoU foresees collaboration between the two jurisdictions for the sharing of common regulatory best practices.


Through the signing of the MoU, the Malta gaming authority and its counterpart in Jersey recognize that both jurisdictions share underlying common values in the regulation of remote gaming. The MoU will equally act as framework for cooperation between Malta and Jersey for the exchange of information and investigative assistance of providers of remote gaming services.


This MoU is part of a series of memoranda of understanding the Malta Lotteries and Gaming Authority has signed over the past months, reaffirming the key principles of remote gaming regulation in Malta, namely:

  • Ensuring consumer protection
  • Securing protection of society and public order
  • Guaranteeing fair, responsible and secure provision of gaming services
  • Implementing robust and comprehensive systems, mechanisms and monitoring that offer players peace of mind while permitting gaming operators to run with ease
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