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Malta Implements an Authorisation Requirement for the Carriage

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Malta Implements an Authorisation Requirement in relation to the carriage and use of firearms and ammunition on board Maltese ships by Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel (PCASP).


Reflecting recent amendments in Maltese legislation, the Malta Merchant Shipping Directorate has issued a notice in relation to the carriage and use of firearms and ammunition on board Maltese ships by Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel (PCASP).

In line with Maltese legislation, the placement of PCASPs on board Malta-registered ships requires the authorisation from Malta transport authority when operating in a High Risk Area (HRA).  This authorisation must be obtained by the owner of the ship. Alternatively, authorisation may be obtained by another organisation or person who has assumed the responsibility for the operation of the ship from the owner and who, on assuming such responsibility, has agreed to take over the duties and responsibilities imposed on ship owners.


When obtaining authorisation, a ship owner must exhibit compliance to applicable legislation and must, among others, provide a ship security plan and show that the PCASP are qualified to provide the service and to use of the firearms being taken onboard. 


Compliance to national requirements on firearms in coastal and port states must be proven.


This news comes as Malta continues to contribute to the international efforts to combat Maritime piracy through contributions to international anti-piracy missions in high risk areas.

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