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Malta University Incubator


In April 2014 the University of Malta has launched 'Take-Off', the Malta University incubator space for start-ups intended to help innovators and aspiring entrepreneurs to create successful technology and knowledge based ventures. The Malta University incubator centre aims to launch ideas from the investment phase to the takeoff stage.


In April 2014 the University of Malta has launched 'Take-Off', the Malta University incubator space for start-ups intended to help innovators and aspiring entrepreneurs to create successful technology and knowledge based ventures. The Malta University incubator centre aims to launch ideas from the investment phase to the takeoff stage.

Malta University Incubator Background 

The centre will bring together innovators, entrepreneurs, mentors and investors, the aim of the incubator is to act as abridge between Malta based skills and Maltese resources on the path taken by entrepreneurs embarking on the innovation highway. 

This Malta Start Up initiative will deliver a tailor made package of benefits, guidance and mentorship to entrepreneurs, hence allowing the latter to transform their innovative ideas into market and investor - ready businesses. 

Malta University Incubator Eligibility

To be eligible for membership ones needs to hold the following characteristics 

1. Being a non incorporated aspiring technology or knowledge-based entrepreneur

2. Being an incorporated technology or knowledge-based start up in early stages of dvelopment

3. Being a university spinout.

Any of the above should possess ideas, intellectual property, technology or a knowledge based innovation that possesses the potential for being the foundation of a business venture and should also present motivation to invest time and energy for the development of a successful business as well as willingness to be mentored and to adapt to the challenges presented at start up phase. 

Malta University Incubator Support

The aim of the incubator is to provide resources and support in the building up of novel businesses by lowering costs in the critical start up phase. This is done through the provision of co-working space, resident space and shared office space facilities; the creation of a tailor made business development programme (through professional and mentorship oversight); the development of networking and relationship opportunities; mentoring; capital and finance networking; education and training and proposition. 

Our Malta Start-UpsTeam

Our Malta Start-Ups Team acts a trusted partner for both entrepreneurs as well as investors in the start-ups sector. The practice leverages the firm's expertise in a number of legal fields which are key to successful start-ups, namely; intellectual property, corporate law, contract law, ICT law, tax and corporate finance. This has positioned the firm as an ideal partner for various players within the start-ups ecosystem, ranging from enterprising inventors whose only asset is their bright ideas, to fledgling micro-enterprises, well-established businesses launching new ventures or entering the jurisdiction for the first time, or, on the other side of the equation, venture capitalists, business angels, private equity funds and other financiers.

Our Malta start-ups practice also helps clients to avail themselves of the various synergies that the firm has built up with authorities and other bodies over the years. Malta offers various opportunities both for the entrepreneur as well as for the investor, and our on the ground expertise and familiarity with the jurisdiction is a valuable asset.


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