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NEXT Event by Startup Weekend at SmartCity Malta


Dr. Jean-Phillipe Chetcuti, managing partner, head of the Tax and Trusts Units, will be acting as a mentor for the Malta NEXT Event held at SmartCity Malta. Selected by the Event Coordinator Jaroslaw Bialek, the mentor will provide the educational basis of the NEXT programme through constructive and valuable feedback.


Dr. Jean-Phillipe Chetcuti, managing partner, head of the Tax and Trusts Units, will be acting as a mentor for the Malta NEXT Event held at SmartCity Malta. Selected by the Event Coordinator Jaroslaw Bialek, the mentor will provide the educational basis of the NEXT programme through constructive and valuable feedback.

Malta NEXT Event

The NEXT programme, commencing October 12th, consists of 3 hours weekly working sessions with the mentors and other attendees. The Final Presentations Day, boasting prominent players of the local and international scene in attendance, will be held on November16th.

The NEXT programme targets startup teams and co-founders by aiding in testing and improving startup ideas and preparing for an accelerator, investor or early-stage launch with:

  • Building customer development skills to test business model assumptions
  • Learning tactical hacks to get insightful and actionable customer feedback
  • Getting valuable feedback from local mentors
  • Becoming a more fundable entrepreneur

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