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MFSA Regulating Trustees and Company Service Providers Conference

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Hilton Hotel, Malta

The Malta Financial Services Authority is extending an invitation to regulatory authorities, international partners, and industry stakeholders to participate in its conference in Malta on 7 May 2024 at The Hilton Hotel, Malta. The event aims to delve into the country’s regulatory framework and licensing processes for Trustees and Company Service Providers. Dr. Priscilla Mifsud Parker, Senior Partner at the Firm will be one of the guest speakers in attendance.


This one-day event is expected to facilitate constructive dialogue, featuring the involvement of MONEYVAL and the EU Commission, along with industry representatives such as IFSP and STEP. They will be joined by national competent authorities, including the MFSA, FIAU, and the Sanctions Monitoring Board. As chairperson of STEP in Malta, Dr. Priscilla Mifsud Parker, Senior Partner at the Firm will be one of the guest speakers in attendance.

Speakers from various local and international entities will share insights on several topics, including:

  • Malta’s Regulatory Framework and Licensing Processes for TCSPs
  • The Establishment of the Trusts Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Register (TUBOR)
  • The Newly Revised 2023 NRA
  • FIAU’s AML Supervision
  • Enforcement
  • Public Private Partnerships
  • International Financial Sanctions

For a comprehensive agenda outlining the conference sessions and the complete roster of speakers, please click here.

Who Should Attend this Conference?

The conference is designed for a diverse audience, including:

  • TCSP Professionals: Directors, compliance officers, MLROs, legal advisors, and administrators.
  • Financial Services Professionals: Bankers, accountants, auditors, and tax advisors involved with or requiring an understanding of TCSP regulations and practices.
  • Legal Professionals: Specialists in corporate, financial, and trust law advising on matters related to trusts, companies, and other legal structures.
  • Compliance Officers and Risk Managers: Professionals responsible for ensuring TCSP compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and managing risks in trust and company services.
  • Industry Representatives: Participants from associations and organizations in the trust and company services sector, providing insights into industry trends and best practices.
  • Regulatory and Supervisory Authorities: Domestic and foreign authorities overseeing the sector.

This comprehensive lineup ensures that the conference will serve as a robust platform for learning, networking, and exchanging expert knowledge across various facets of the industry.

About Guest Speaker Dr. Priscilla Mifsud Parker

Dr. Priscilla Mifsud Parker is a Senior Partner at Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates and holds the role of Chair for the Malta division of STEP, now entering her fourth consecutive term after a successful three-year stint.

At Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates, Dr. Mifsud Parker heads the Families and Wealth practice group, specializing in trusts, estate planning, and the structuring of wealth and businesses for affluent families and successful business owners. Her expertise primarily focuses on developing tailored solutions for optimizing and protecting high-value assets. Additionally, she manages the Corporate and Trust Services division of the firm, which handles the establishment and administration of corporate structures designed for clients. Her professional activities include assisting clients with business startups, acquisitions, corporate restructurings, shareholder issues, and providing ongoing advice on company law for entities under the firm’s management. Dr. Mifsud Parker holds a B.A. in Law and Theology, an LL.D. in Trusts Law, and an M.A. in Financial Services, all from the University of Malta.

About the Organizers -The Malta Financial Services Authority

The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) serves as the sole regulatory body overseeing financial services in Malta. Its regulatory purview extends to banking, financial institutions, insurance companies and intermediaries, investment services firms and collective investment schemes, securities markets, recognized investment exchanges, trust management entities, company service providers, and pension schemes. Since 2018, the MFSA has also assumed responsibility for regulating Virtual Financial Assets.

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