Malta Trusts Taxation - Malta has an attractive trusts regime with efficient taxation rates for both business as well as personal needs.
SECTOR REGULATION: Authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) APPLICABLE LAWS: Trust & Trustees Act, Income Tax Act, Hague Convention on the Law applicable to trusts & their recognition DOUBLE TAX TREATIES: Extensive network of 70 double tax treaties LANGUAGE:Maltese, English TIME ZONE:Central European Time Zone(UTC+01:00) EUROPEAN UNION:Member of the EU &Eurozone CURRENCY:Euro € WORKFORCE:Well qualified, English speaking
- Easy set up in 3 days;
- Regulated authorized trustees;
- Recognition of trusts set up under foreign laws;
- Certainty & Security Malta's own domestic trust law ;
- Planning for generations; Efficient distribution of assets;
Today Malta’s trust and estate laws allows for the beneficial yet secure protection of a person’s wealth and property through the use of trusts. The setting up of trusts in Malta is regulated by the Trusts and Trustees Act. The Act also provides for the appointment of the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) as the authority in charge of the authorisation and supervision of trustees. Malta also acknowledges trusts set up under the laws of other jurisdictions and the Act also incorporates the provisions of the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trust and their Recognition.
- Income arising outside Malta (partially or wholly);
- Trust beneficiaries are non-Maltese residents;
- Trust beneficiaries with tax exempt income under Maltese law;
- Trusts treated as tax transperent;

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