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Malta Gaming Industry Boasts €4 million Increase in Revenue

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On the 11th July, 2011, Parliamentary Secretary Dr. Jason Azzopardi confirmed that over the past two years the gaming industry revenue had increased by €4 million, from €16 to €20 million. The integrity of the gaming industry in Malta was built on a system which has good and stable regulations in place, and gaming is provided in a fair, responsible and transparent manner, free from crime, money-laundering and corruption. Apart from an increase in employment through this sector, gaming companies in Malta also generated an increasing effect in the economy.


On the 11th July, 2011, Parliamentary Secretary Dr. Jason Azzopardi confirmed that over the past two years the gaming industry revenue had increased by €4 million, from €16 to €20 million. The integrity of the gaming industry in Malta was built on a system which has good and stable regulations in place, and gaming is provided in a fair, responsible and transparent manner, free from crime, money-laundering and corruption. Apart from an increase in employment through this sector, gaming companies in Malta also generated an increasing effect in the economy.Wrapping up the debate on the Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) Bill, Dr. Azzopardi said that today Malta hosts around 405 licensed remote gaming companies, a 25% increase in licensing over the previous two years.

Dr. Azzopardi went on to say that over the past few weeks, the government and the opposition had met to clarify and settle any differences they had on certain provisions included in the new Gaming Bill, such as those provisions on skill games. The government and the opposition had worked together before to make sure that the gaming industry is brought to the forefront through proper and dedicated legislation.

The Lotteries and Gaming Authority was still in the process of amending the legislative framework and as a consequence of this the licensing process of many operators was put on hold. The newly amended framework establishes a safe barring of online games so that certain people would not be allowed in gaming establishments. The LGA was also concluding the trust in charge of the funding for educating people on gambling.

Dr. Azzopardi also stated that the LGA had been more diligent in its checks on operators in 2010. Regulation was a means of ensuring that more rigorous procedures were employed to avoid fraud. The LGA also complied with the Police to prevent illegal gambling.

The Parliamentary Secretary also stated that soon the organisation for tombola would also require a licence to operate. He also said that cruise liners registered in Malta and those within territorial waters must have a licence for the operation of on-board casinos.

Throughout the past years, the LGA had developed into a fully-fledged industry and had supported the AG in the preparation of gaming cases before the European Court of Justice. 

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