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Malta Ship Registration Process

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The Malta ship registration process allows for a wide spectrum of vessels to be registered under the Malta flag, for pleasure or commercial purposes.


The Malta ship registration process can be affected swiftly reflecting the immediate needs and tempistic requirements of the industry.  The Maltese registry itself is efficient and industry - friendly contributing to a seamless Malta ship registration process, subject to the provision of the relative information and documentation.

Malta Ship Registration Process - Type of Vessels that can be Registered

The Malta ship registration process allows for a wide spectrum of vessels to be registered under the Malta flag, ranging from yachts, both pleasure and commercial, to ships or vessels under construction. Indeed, the term 'vessel' under Maltese merchant law is quite wide and encompasses also oil rigs, platforms and barges. A vessel or ship under construction can also be registered.

Malta Ship Registration Process - Eligibility

The Malta ship registration process allows a vessel or ship to be registered under the Malta flag provided that it is owned by persons qualified to own a Malta ship. Such persons include Maltese or European Union residents, as well as bodies corporate established in Malta. Nonetheless, the Malta ship registration process provides for other possibilities, namely to register the ship or vessel in the name of an international owner and such owner would appoint a resident agent in Malta.

Alternatively, a shipping organisation can be set up, that is, a Maltese company set up for the purpose of owning the ship and hence be the registered owner of the vessel through the Malta ship registration process.  

Malta Ship Registration Process - the Stages

The Malta ship registration process is divided into two stages.  Firstly, the vessel will be registered and issued with a provisional certificate of registration that is valid for six months and for which only a few documents are required to be filed with the registry. During, the running of the provisional registration, and for the completion of the Malta ship registration process, all the required documents and certificates will have to be filed with the Malta registry and surveys on the relative vessel or ship undertaken. Surveys are generally undertaken by approved Government surveyors or alternatively by international classification societies which are recognised by the Malta Shipping Directorate. A certificate of registration is issued at the end of the Malta ship registration process.

In order to comply with the major international conventions, the Malta ship registration process requires that ships of 20 years and over, but under 25 years, successful undertake an authorised flag State inspection prior to being provisionally registered. Ships which are 15 years old and over but less than 20 years old are required to undertake successfully an authorised flag State inspection before or within one month of provisional registration. It has to be mentioned that, the Malta ship registration process, excludes ships which are over 25 years of age which are therefore in principle not registrable. Nevertheless, given the case by case approach adopted by the Malta registry in such instances, Chetcuti Cauchi will be able to assist owners of such ships to try and find a suitable, alternative solution to the case at hand.

Crewing Requirements

With regard to the crew, Malta is part of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978. Hence, all of the seamen must comply with this convention. Also, it has to be mentioned that there are no restrictions as to the nationality of the master, officers and crew engaged on Maltese ships.

Malta Ship Registration Process - the Advantages

Registration of vessels under the Malta flag offers several advantages.  To start with, the Maltese legal system has, through the ratification of most of the IMO international conventions, devised a very suitable and highly competent legal structure to cater for an efficient Malta ship registration process.

Furthermore, the incorporation of shipping organisations has also provided an additional benefit for ship owners and ship managers. These companies were introduced in order to specifically cater for the increase in maritime activity in Malta and are incorporated for specific maritime objects such as management and operations of vessels. Such companies also benefit from various tax exemptions, where applicable and available.

All of the above is complimented by other factors along the Malta ship registration process such as low ship registration costs as well as low tonnage tax.

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