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At Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates Cake Bake Charity Tastes Sweet

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At their Annual Cake Bake, Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates encourages all its employees to bake and donate a baked good for an even better cause; giving back. Through the Claris Foundation, the firm is enabled to raise money for those areas of society that need help.


This year, as per their custom, Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates opted to give back in the most delicious of ways. By organising their Annual Christmas Cake Bake, no less! The aim of this initiative was not only to bring all the firm’s members together but to also contribute to society and help children in need by encouraging others to donate a baked good. 

Indeed, it is during every Festive Season, that Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates’ prioritizes the concept of giving back, with the help of the firm’s philanthropic arm, the Claris Foundation. The Foundation was founded in order for the firm to invest part of its financial and legal resources to charitable causes. Through the Claris Foundation, the firm identifies places where it can make a difference. The foundation’s prerogative is to help understand and raise awareness about vulnerable persons in Malta and abroad, as well as to develop and implement programmes in support of the health, well-being and education of children, both locally and worldwide.  

It is precisely the time of year for the notions of team solidarity and camaraderie to shine through. Several of the firm’s employees, whether foreign or Maltese, came together to affect change and make a difference to those from different walks of life. Be it cookies, cakes or a local, or ethnic, traditional dessert, the firm prompted employees to prepare or buy something for the special day. With goodie sales at an all-time high, a hefty donation was inevitably accrued! 
These goodies were in turn presented at the firm’s special get together, which took place on the 30th of November 2018, at Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates’ offices in St Ursula street. 

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