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Chetcuti Cauchi Members Run in Aid of Claris Foundation

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Chetcuti Cauchi staff members run the Malta Half Marathon 2011 in aid of Claris Foundation, the Firm's charitable arm.


Chetcuti Cauchi promotes a healthy lifestyle and strong corporate social responsibility values. As part of these efforts, over the past year, the firm has organised weekly fitness sessions with a qualified coach, encouraging its professionals to participate and develop an interest in exercise, fitness and an overall healthy life regime.  To this effect, a group of professionals have decided to take this to the next level and underwent specific training to participate in this year’s Malta Half Marathon. They have also decided to dedicate this year's marathon to the initiative adopted by Claris Foundation, the firm's Charitable arm.  This year Claris Foundation will be focusing on St Rita's Children's Home in Paola.

Thus, on Sunday 27th February, five staff members successfully competed and completed the Malta Half Marathon (21km). This event is the culmination of approximately a year’s training requiring determination, dedication and a great deal of motivation.  These professionals started the marathon in Mdina, through Attard up to Floriana, down towards Msida and successfully finished in Sliema! All proceeds were donated to Claris. The Foundation would sincerely like to thank these staff members for their commitment and support.

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