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Chetcuti Cauchi Lawyers Contribute to Student Law Journal Id-Dritt

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Earlier this month, the Ghsl - Malta Law Student Society announced the publication of Id-Dritt XXXIV, the 34th edition. In this years' addition, Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates had the opportunity to delve into and contribute to two significant topics; Insolvency Reform - How Malta implemented the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/1023 of 20 June 2019, and The Advent of AI: The Latest Conundrum for Traditional Copyright Law.


About Id-Dritt: The Student Law Journal

The Id-Dritt Law Journal, originating from the original Law Journal dating back to 1944, stands as a peer-reviewed publication. It offers a diverse array of legal articles covering a spectrum from general to specific topics, serving as essential reading for both legal professionals and students.

Over the years, the journal has evolved significantly, undergoing numerous enhancements and refinements. Presently, it holds a revered status as one of the pivotal local publications, widely accessible to all, including the general populace. Within Maltese legal spheres, it holds esteem as an authoritative source, providing insightful commentary on contemporary issues, including significant and sometimes groundbreaking amendments that have transpired over time.

Earlier this month, the Ghsl - Malta Law Student Society announced the publication of Id-Dritt XXXIV, the 34th edition. Reach out to GħSL - Malta Law Students'​ Society's on to purchase your full copy.

Chetcuti Cauchi Lawyers Contribute

In this years' addition, Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates had the opportunity to delve into and contribute to two significant topics; Insolvency Reform - How Malta implemented the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/1023 of 20 June 2019, authored by Dr Charlene Mifsud and Martina Cassar, and The Advent of AI: The Latest Conundrum for Traditional Copyright Law, authored by Dr Maria Chetcuti Cauchi and Dr Susanna Grech Deguara.

Insolvency Reform - How Malta implemented the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/1023 of 20 June 2019

Partner Dr Charlene Mifsud and Trainee Associate Martina Cassar discuss recent legislative reforms in Malta related to insolvency, prompted by the European Parliament Directive (EU) 2019/1023, which focuses on preventive restructuring, debt discharge, and disqualifications. This publication highlights the introduction of three significant Acts that revise Maltese insolvency and restructuring laws, aims to reduce the stigma of financial recovery mechanisms, and details updates in legal terminology. Additionally, it reviews the Insolvency Practitioners Act, which aims to enhance the regulation and efficiency of insolvency practitioners. The analysis reflects the legal context as of January 1, 2024. You can read the full publication

The Advent of AI: The Latest Conundrum for Traditional Copyright Law

Managing Partner Dr Maria Chetcuti Cauchi together with Senior Associate Dr Susanna Grech Deguara examine the impact of artificial intelligence on intellectual property, specifically focusing on the intersection of copyright legislation and AI-generated content. It addresses the complexities surrounding ownership and authorship in works produced by AI, emphasizing the difficulty in discerning human involvement. This publication advocates for adaptable regulatory frameworks that balance the interests of the public, AI developers, and creators, while also stressing the importance of assigning liability for AI-generated output. It calls for revisions to traditional content ownership arrangements and highlights the necessity for proposed amendments to intellectual property laws, as outlined in the AI Act, to effectively address the unique challenges posed by AI. You can read the full publication .

The Firm's Corporate Law Practice

We take a keen interest in insolvency law and offer comprehensive advice to clients on various aspects of insolvency, with particular emphasis on the implications of Maltese insolvency law in cross-border situations. Our corporate lawyers provide guidance to company directors on conducting business to mitigate risks in the event of insolvency, ensuring compliance and minimizing liability for wrongful or fraudulent trading. We also meticulously consider the provisions of the Maltese Civil Code governing private law matters related to corporate insolvency, including regulations on set-off.

The Firm's Intellectual Property Practice

We are registered trademark agents in Malta and also serve as a registered EU trademark attorneys and EPO European patent attorneys. The IP team represent clients across various industries, and we are frequently retained by other law firms to provide IP advice to their clients. With extensive experience in a wide range of IP-related issues, the firm is recognized as the preferred choice for clients who value comprehensive representation on IP-sensitive matters.

Whether it involves protecting technological inventions through patent law, securing the design of mass-produced goods, safeguarding the rights of artists to their literary, artistic, and musical creations, or helping traders differentiate their goods or services from others, Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates offer both straightforward and hybrid solutions to ensure the highest level of protection possible.

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