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Consultation Document on Proposed Amendments to Malta Electronic Communications Laws


The Malta Ministry for the Economy and Industry (“Ministry”) issued today a new online public consultation entitled “European Electronic Communications Framework: Transposition of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC)”.


The Malta Ministry for the Economy and Industry (“Ministry”) issued today a new online public consultation entitled “European Electronic Communications Framework: Transposition of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC)”. 

Malta Electronic Communications Laws

The set of laws below will seek to transpose the EECC through amendments to the following laws: 

  • Malta Communications Authority Act (‘Cap. 418’); 
  • the Utilities and Services (Regulation of Certain Works) Act (‘Cap. 81’); 
  • the Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act (‘Cap. 399’); 
  • the Single European Emergency Call Service (‘112’ number) and 
  • the European Harmonised Services of Social Value (‘116’ numbering range) Regulations (‘S.L. 399.43’). 

and the creation of new regulations entitled Electronic Communications Networks and Services (General) Regulations that will eventually replace the current Electronic Communications Networks and Services (General) Regulations (‘S.L. 399.28’).

In Malta, a contemporary and efficient regulatory framework is a crucial component of a functioning electronic communications market. The European Electronic Communications Code (‘EECC’) as reflected in Directive (EU) 2018/1972 is the directive that updates the existing Malta regulatory structure to mirror evolving technologies and other developments in the way people communicate.

European Electronic Communications Code (‘EECC’) 

The EECC creates a renewed focus based on renewed regulatory stability, advocating investment in especially high-capacity networks, making effective use of spectrum for 5G, enabling consumer engagement, and safeguarding affordable and adequate broadband internet access to all consumers. In the discussions leading to the EECC, Malta played an active role. The EECC supports the objective of creating a more vibrant regulatory context that incentivises competitive investment and innovation and fosters affordability and an excellence of electronic communications products and services.

Online Public Consultation for Malta Electronic Communications Laws Revisions

Malta’s aim is to persist in establishing new digital industries that depend on advanced digital infrastructure and electronic communications services, employing emerging technologies such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G and the Internet of Things. These technologies are converging and have the capacity to radically change the way we do things. Along with the amendments deriving from the EECC, Malta has adopted the added initiative to propose other revisions centred around the island’s own regulatory experience in the last decade. 

All stakeholders (market players, service providers, advisors, prospective investors, and above all, consumers, and consumer bodies) are encouraged to assess the consultation document and provide their feedback on these proposed amendments. Industry experience will permit the legislator to formulate a regulatory framework that, whilst reflecting EU realities, also takes into account national requirements. 

Interested parties are encouraged to provide their feedback to the Malta Ministry for the Economy and Industry by no later than the 15 March 2021. 

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