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The Mediterrane Film Festival in Malta

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This year the Mediterrane Film Festival took place throughout distinct locations across Malta, mainly in the capital, Valletta, between the 25th and 30th of June. The Festival is an annual convention focused on film and creativity, aiming to bring together MED9 countries for collaboration on future film projects and create more opportunities with other European partners, including the United Kingdom.


Film in Malta

With one of the largest production facilities in the world, Malta offers a unique environment for films and productions. With its baroque architecture, Mediterranean scenery and modern freshness, it has attracted the Film Industry to its shores for the past decades.

It is not only an ideal location, but through the several financial incentives it also gives crucial financial support to the film industry. In fact, the last ten years have seen such an influx of film in Malta that local crews have faced challenges to keep up with the increasing demand. 

The Mediterrane Film Festival in Malta

This year the Mediterrane Film Festival took place throughout distinct locations across Malta, mainly in the capital, Valletta, between the 25th and 30th of June.  The Festival is an annual convention focused on film and creativity, aiming to bring together MED9 countries for collaboration on future film projects and create more opportunities with other European partners, including the United Kingdom. It is a celebration of cinema and creativity that brings together the best of the Mediterranean region.

Chetcuti Cauchi attend the Mediterrane Film Festival in Malta 

Partner, Dr Charlene Mifsud and Senior Associate Dr Luana Cuschieri both attended the festival. Together they attended a variety of events including panel discussions, masterclasses, and also had the opportunity to network. Filmmakers, industry professionals, and enthusiasts connected, exchanged ideas, and also created partnerships for future projects. In attending, this festival valuable insight was gained while also keeping up to date with the latest industry developments. 

How can we help

As part of our Media Industry team, our Malta film team advises clients in this area on all the following aspects: 

  • film and television finance (including equity finance and bank lending)
  • contracts, including negotiation, start-up, underlying material rights, exploitation of rights
  • location procurement and arrangements, including permits, licensing and authorisation issues
  • corporate law and the setting up and restructuring of film and television production companies, including administration and back office services
  • employment agreements and work permits
  • tax, financial and other incentives
  • international co-production issues, including negotiation, drafting and finalisation of any arrangements, qualification issues and liaison with local authorities
  • property purchases, leasing or temporary accommodation issues
  • tax advice and fiscal incentives
  • insurances procurement
  • intellectual property protection
  • dispute resolution, including court litigation, mediation or arbitration

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