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Malta Film Commission Teams Up With Cinecitta Studios on Tax In

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The Malta Film Commission and Rome's Cinecitta Studios have come to an agreement to allow productions shot in Italy and on the Maltese islands to tap tax credits from both countries and other benefits.


Rome's Cinecitta Studios and the Malta Film Commission have come to an agreement to allow productions shot in Italy and on the Maltese islands to tap tax credits from both countries and other benefits. The agreement aims to attract more high-profile productions, such as Universal's WWII blockbuster “U-571”.

This venture between one of Europe’s largest studios and Malta, will also incorporate film equipment company Panalight and lighting company Nexos Malta, aimed at providing services at a lower rate.

Malta Tax Incentives for International Film Productions

Cash Rebate

Malta provides a cash rebate of up to 22% of eligible expenditure spent in Malta whilst Italy currently offers international productions a tax incentive of up to 25% of money spent in the country, with a $5 million cap.

Tax Credits

Apart from cash rebates, companies which operate as part of the Maltese audiovisual industry qualify for tax credits by investing in audiovisual infrastructure. These incentives support development and production of audiovisual projects and aim to encourage training and networking amongst audiovisual professionals.

Feature film and television productions, mini-series, animation and documentaries are all eligible for the incentives, as long as they are at least partially produced in Malta. In order for a company to qualify for the above grants, it is not necessary for the distribution of such production to be made from Malta. However, distribution through Malta gives rise to attractive tax benefits.

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