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If you wish to explore our European Island of outstanding opportunities, Chetcuti Cauchi is your international law firm in Malta. Chetcuti Cauchi has extensive experience in inbound and outbound cross-border activities.

Entering Malta?

Since 2002, we have contributed to Malta’s growth as a world-class financial services centre. Today, Chetcuti Cauchi is synonymous with Malta’s attractiveness as a Euro-Mediterranean hub for financial services, commerce, wealth structuring, and personal relocation.  We facilitate diverse foreign investments into Malta for clients who operate across every region of the world, with activities and assets in multiple jurisdictions. As a result, most of our work has an international element, giving our lawyers worldwide experience in their specialist areas.

We are positioned to act as your personal facilitator, maximising Malta's competitive international legal and tax offerings, and helping you turn personal and business opportunities into successful ventures. We integrate legal, tax and corporate expertise within a project team personalised for you and continuously strive to stay abreast with legal and business developments and to anticipate challenges to ensure your full preparedness.  

If you're looking for a personalised, boutique almost family approach yet expect levels of excellence of a Big 4 or magic circle firm, speak to our professionals and find out how we can be of assistance to you. Our talent and quality management standards ensure the highest levels of service  while our partners continue to be personally involved in all that we do for our clients, to ensure we don't lose sight of why you engaged us in the first place.

Beyond Malta

We provide legal and tax advice to individuals, families and businesses with complex, multi-jurisdictional requirements.  As an independent law firm, we collaborate routinely with client’s preferred counsel. Where clients require legal counsel or tax advice in any part of the world, we can rely on our network of collaborating firms in all corners of the world and can recommend the right specialist according to the required area of expertise.  

Often, we take the lead co-ordinating the advice of advisers in other jurisdictions and ensuring that the advice provided is clear and practical; but we are also comfortable joining clients’ other trusted advisers, providing expertise as part of a wider team. Every time, we deliver the commercial and responsive service our clients expect.

International Law Firm in Malta

As an independent member law firm for international tax and legal firm Andersen Global, we have the unique position as the only international law firm with local presence, drawing on the guidance and expertise of 450+ locations in 170+ countries, providing integrated legal, tax, immigration and advisory services suiting even the most particular cross-border scenarios. This while retaining our independence and authentic locally bred law firm status.