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Our company domiciliation services provides a dedicated corporate registered address to our companies, ensuring your company has a reputable Valletta domicile for receipt of all official company correspondence.  Mail processing and routing services are available as well as serviced office facilities for clients seeking to strengthen their Malta presence in compliance with substance criteria applicable in international tax law.  Moreover, Malta company law requires a company to keep all statutory records and accounting documents which must be available for review.

Chetcuti Cauchi's corporate services team has established itself as a leading company formation and administration specialist, leveraging the latest management methodologies and the technologies to ensure prompt and cost-effective services in a real time, international context.  Our company administrators work hand in hand with a wider Corporate Services team comprising accountants, lawyers and tax advisors working in teams allocated to different client portfolios.  This ensure the client a constant multi-disciplinary team capable of addressing operational and compliance issues competently and responsively. We are also able to assist in the location and rental or purchase of office and other commercial premises for your business in Malta.

Lead by Corporate Services partner Dr Priscilla Mifsud-Parker, our Malta Company Administration team is able to deliver an all-encompassing and truly multi-disciplinary service spanning company administration, legal, company management, banking support, accounting and tax services.  Chetcuti Cauchi has adopted an all-round company administration service provided in-house in a coordinated approach translated into spot on, responsive services and higher value support to our clients.

Our Registered Office Facilities and Company Domiciliation service ensures that your Malta company complies with all local regulations, including Maltese company law and tax laws.

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