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Malta hosts ‘Framework 2012 Workshop’ - a renowned training in

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Malta hosted the ‘Framework 2012 Workshop’ bringing together over 30 film producers and scriptwriting professionals from around the world.


Aimed at developing and creating training opportunities to cater for the needs of the filming industry, Malta hosted the ‘Framework 2012 Workshop’, organised by TorinoFilmLab in partnership with Malta Film Commission. 

The event, supported also by Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Film Commission Torino Piemonte, and the Media programme, brought together over 30 film producers and scriptwriting professionals from around the world to work on eleven selected film scripts. 


The workshop provided a platform for the participants to address collectively various aspects of the scripts, including pitch preparation, script development and project presentation. Participants attended also four open lectures on direction, production, scriptwriting and cinematografy delivered by Jonathan Nossiter, Roshanak Behesht Nedjad, Franz Rodenkirchen and Matyas Erdely, respectively.


Following the workshop, the eleven projects shall continue to be developed ahead of the final TorinoFilmLab Meeting event and the Torino Film Festival. 


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