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Strengthening Systemic Stability between Malta and Qatar in Fin

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In March 2012 the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) and the QFC Regulatory Authority  have announced steps to further strengthen systemic stability of financial institutions in Malta and Qatar.  This measure took the form of a Memorandum of Understanding which covers banking, financial and insurance services sectors in their respective jurisdictions.


In March 2012 the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) and the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) Regulatory Authority have announced steps to further strengthen systemic stability of financial institutions in Malta and in Qatar.  These Authorities, which act as the single financial services regulators in their respective jurisdictions, have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a view to increase mutual co-operation and exchange of information between the two states. 

The QFC Regulatory Authority was established by Emir decree in 2005 as an independent regulatory body with a broad range of regulatory powers to authorise, supervise and sanction firms and individuals.  The MSFA and QFC Regulatory Authority have agreed to co-operate and facilitate the exchange of regulatory and technical information to better the regulation and surveillance of the banking, financial and insurance services sectors in their respective jurisdictions.  

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