Cyprus Investment Programme is available to foreigners investing €1.5m in residential property in Cyprus.
Dr. Jean-Philippe Chetcuti
Dr. Antoine Saliba Haig
CAPITAL CITY: NicosiaLANGUAGES: Greek, Turkish, EnglishTIME ZONE: Eastern European Time Zone (UTC+02:00)CURRENCY: Euro €TOTAL AREA: 9,251 km²POPULATION: 1,170,130NEAREST COUNTRY: Lebanon, 264 kmVISA FREE COUNTRIES: 174 Visa-free destinations
- 6 Months Process
- All Family Members Included
- Dual Citizenship is allowed
- Residency Permit Issued within 5 days of Application
- Once the Cyprus passport is obtained it is valid for life and it is also transferable to Descendents;
Cyprus Investment Programme is available to investors in Cyprus by Exception pursuant to the Decision of the Council of Ministers dated 13th September 2016 issued as per Article 111A(2) of the Civil Registry Law 2002-2013, of the Republic of Cyprus. These recent revisions have made the Cyprus Investment Programme more beneficial for investors and families. In virtue of this Law, the Cyprus Council of Ministers may grant citizenship by naturalisation to foreign entrepreneurs. Additionally, the Law provides for the granting of Cypriot citizenship to the spouse, children as well as parents of the investor & of the spouse.
- Minimum investment is €1.5m;
- Minimum investment in Main Residence is €500,000 (plus VAT if applicable);
- Contribution to the Research and Innovation Foundation and to the Cyprus Land Development Agency of €200,000
- Applicant must be 18 years of age;
- Clean criminal conduct;
- One visit required to obtain Biometrics and receive PR Permit;

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