We offer excellent service for those who want to incorporate a Malta Royalty Companies. Malta Royalty Companies are both for Maltese and foreign citizens
DOUBLE TAX TREATY: Extensive double tax treaty network TAX SYSTEM: EU Approved TAX DEDUCTIONS: Tax deductions of royalty payments CURRENCY:Euro€ WITHHOLDING TAX: No WHT tax on royalty payments for rights outside Malta
TIME ZONE:Central EUropean Time Zone (UTC+01:00)
FOREIGN COMPANY: No Controlled Foreign Company legislation
- Incorporation of the company is on the same day;
- Tax for royatly payments are deducted;
- When dealing with capital any currrency may be used;
- Establishment and operating costs are relitively low;
- On certain royalty payment one is tax exempted;
Malta Royalty Companies are incorporated in terms of the Maltese Companies Act, which is Malta’s principal corporate legislation. The Act is predominantly based on common law principles, and is also in line with EU Directives.
Malta Royalty Companies are onshore entities setup as partnerships or limited liability companies - the latter being the most popular type of corporate entity, due to its flexibility and tax efficiency.
- Initial share captial is a minimum of € 250;
- The appointment of 1 Malta director & company secretary;
- Minimum of one share holder;
- Aquirement of Company formation documents;
- The appointment of an auditor;

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