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Back Office & Virtual Office

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Back office services for Companies registered in Malta

  • Bank account management, reconciliations & accounting;
  • Maltese street address with dedicated mail receiving facilities and weekly forwarding of mail to your address;
  • Immediate acknowledgement of mail sent to your clients & immediate forwarding of mail to you by e-mail or fax;
  • Dedicated telephone lines answered in your company name / tradename; clients' calls are initially answered by our staff and calls are subsequently relayed to your telephone number anywhere in the world;
  • Maltese mobile phone numbers with international roaming facilities;
  • Fax lines for your company; faxes from clients are immediately answered with an acknowledgement and then forwarded to your e-mail address;
  • Maltese website for your company + e-mail addresses which you can access from anywhere around the world;
  • Secretarial services including relaying of your mail/faxes/e-mail to clients worldwide.

Our Back Office Services Fee Schedule is available on request.

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