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Malta Corporate Relocation Services

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Our Malta Corporate Relocation Services are dedicated to providing personalised relocation assistance and support to individuals, families and corporate employees. Our exclusive services will help ease your transition before, during and after you move to Malta.

Malta Corporate Relocation: Immigration

Our Malta Immigration Law Practice is able to assist with the processing of National visas, Schengen visas, work permits applications if necessary, e-residence applications as well applications under social security and tax according to law, and opening a personal bank account in Malta.  For families, we are able to introduce Maltese schools according to the ages of the children.  We are able to assist with the importation of pets into Malta.  

We cannot over-stress the important of pre-immigration tax planning to avoid the unncessary pain of mis-using an otherwise benign tax system for resident non-doms.  It is also to have a will to clearly regulate any assets curretly or in future held in Malta.

Complete Corporate Relocation Services in Malta

Drawing on the firm's extensive resources and experience, our Corporate Relocation Services platform enables us to provide professional relocation services delivered with the flexibility to meet your company's unique needs.

The range of Corporate Relocation Services we offer includes:

  • Relocation Consulting Client Support Services
  • Logistic Coordination
  • Removals and Shipping Management
  • Destination and Real Estate Services
  • Relocation Administrative Services
  • Cultural Training and Support Programmes for Staff and Family
  • Recruitment and Selection of Local Staff
  • Employee Payroll Management and other HR Services

Personalised Relocation Services

Our specialized relocation team is committed to delivering a personalized solution to your employees during all phases of their relocation to Malta.

Typical Corporate Relocation Clients

Recent clients of our Malta corporate relocation services include:

  • various fund management companies
  • financial institutions
  • various online gaming companies
  • various digital gaming companies
  • an energy generation company
  • an IT call centre
  • a film production company
  • an aviation company

Malta Corporate Migration Services

We have extensive experience implementing complex corporate migration projects involving the transfer of seat or of the fiscal residence of a company to Malta, or both.  We are able to assist with the formalities required to register the entity with the Malta Registry of Companies as well as the Tax Authorities.

All the experience your company needs. Under one roof.


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