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Funding Advice

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The opportunities available to businesses and organisation from funded schemes are a growing sector. These opportunities have been used not only to increase market share and impact but to allow companies to be incubated in their start-up stage, diversify their product portfolio, increase the skills base of their staff, and contribute to important Research and Development.

The European Union in particular has established a large portfolio of funding options from SME start-up and competitiveness funds, to Media, ICT, and technology and to skills training. These essential elements and more contribute to the overall goal of moving Europe into the leaders of the knowledge based economy.

National funds and grants are an important tool for any business or organisation to take advantage of. These schemes provide the aid required to create a more competitive and innovative environment for Maltese businesses and employees.

The Tendering and Funding Unit locates funding opportunities specific for business or organisations needs or sector. We provide advice on how to maximise the impact of these opportunities to increase your market share, ingenuity, innovation, communications, marketing, productivity, and to diversify within and to new sectors.

The Tendering and Funding Unit is a skilled team with expertise in planning and implementing European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund, European Year of Equal Opportunities, and Gruntvig training courses and projects.

Our funding advisors can cater for the needs of the following groups:

  • Private and Corporate entities
  • Public organisations and NGOs
  • Local and International companies and organisations
  • Local councils, administrations, and entities
  • Government ministries
  • SMEs
  • Research and Innovation industries
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