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Malta Investment Services Licensing

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Every fund manager, financial institution, insurance business, FOREX intermediary, investment advisor or other financial business intending to establish its domicile in Malta is required to obtain the necessary regulatory authorisations. Such businesses therefore need to undergo a licensing process in which the promoters of the business are vetted, internal processes are analyzed and financial forecasts examined. While Malta's regulatory authorities are business friendly and reactive to the needs of the industry, licensing processes are still carried out with the sort of rigour that befits a well established European financial centre.

Preparation is therefore essential for a licensing process to be successful and quick. Chetcuti Cauchi maintains a team of professionals dedicated to guiding applicants from various financial industries through their regulatory processes, helping them to swiftly and successfully conclude their licensing processes. Our team provides detailed advice and assistance with respect to the drafting of all regulatory documentation, including business plans, personal questionnaires and financial projections, manages relations with the relevant regulatory authorities with high quality representation services and negotiating skills, and co-ordinates arrangements with third party service providers such as banks, fund administrators and insurers. This allows applicants to divert their focus away from the minutae of the authorisations process towards developing sound operational and marketing models.

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