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Tendering Advice

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A good business grows from experience and increasing their reputation. Building a portfolio of successful tenders provides much needed business opportunities but also a greater prestige to sell the services of the company.

Governmental procedures and business practices have provided the landscape for companies and government entities to outsource services and provide opportunities for competitive calls for services. The Tendering and Funding Unit locate this opportunities and advise and assist in submitting a comprehensive and competitive bid.

The Tendering and funding Unit will pinpoint tenders, both national and international, suitable for the business practices of your company. We will find sector specific business opportunities to increase your business practice and market share and diversify into new specifications. We can set up partnerships between companies to make best use of niche market skills and specifications to be used into wider tender opportunities.

Our Tendering advisors can cater for the needs of the following groups:

  • Private and Corporate entities
  • Public organisations and NGOs
  • Local and International companies and organisations
  • Local councils, administrations, and entities
  • Government ministries
  • SMEs
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