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VAT Compliance

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VAT Compliance

Value Added Tax is perhaps the most complicated and often dangerously ignored tax. We can take the burden of VAT compliance off your business shoulders by completing your quarterly or annual VAT returns and ensuring their timely submission to the VAT Department. Our VAT specialists are always ready to advise on the right VAT treatment of a particular transaction.

Our VAT team can also assist with the setting up of internal systems and procedures which assist in the generation of VAT returns.  They can also conduct reviews of VAT returns and accounting  records.  The team has also experience with businesses and entities which are partially exempt, exempt without credit or undertake non-business activities.  

Partial exemption and non-business calculations add another layer to an already complex tax regime. Our team will ensure that your accounting systems are set up to deal with these intricacies.

Malta VAT Compliance: Our Services

Through our Malta VAT tax experts we provide the following services:

  • Advice on whether to register for VAT
  • VAT registration
  • Most beneficial method of VAT accounting
  • Preparation and submission of VAT returns to the Malta VAT Department
  • Intrastat and EC sales reporting
  • VAT planning and advice in connection with complex transactions
  • Liaison with the Malta VAT Department in connection with compliance visits and disputes
  • Deregistration process

Malta VAT Compliance: Our Commitment

Our Malta VAT compliance team can help you ensure that your business complies with all statutory obligations under Malta VAT law.  The team will also make sure that your business is using the most efficient VAT structure and that all refunds are applied for appropriately.  Our firm provides a number of important services to its clients with respect to VAT matters, including VAT registration, management of relations with the VAT department and handling of periodic VAT returns. 

Should clients wish, we can also carry out a VAT scan which consists of an evaluation of the VAT processes and procedures within a business activity. The main reason would be to propose to the client recommendations to update and reorganise the VAT affairs of the corporation and reduce possible forthcoming complications with the VAT Department. Through this exercise we also seek to detect potential opportunities of achieving VAT savings and optimisation.

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