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Gaming Management

Our Gaming Management practice assists with the attainment of a license and the appointment of key officials, ensuring legally compliant gaming management.
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Our Gaming Management practice assists in acquiring licenses and designating key personnel, guaranteeing that gaming operations adhere to legal requirements.

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Malta has a sterling reputation as the European jurisdiction of choice for the establishment of gaming operations. This is because it has set up the ideal conditions for gaming companies, offering excellent business incentives while fostering a soundly regulated environment where proper gaming management is considered of the essence, a factor which confers added reputability to Malta licenced gaming operations.

Gaming Management – the Requisites

There are two main requisites which prospective gaming operators must fulfil in order to start operating within Malta.

  1. All prospective gaming operations must obtain a licence from the Malta Lotteries & Gaming Authority (LGA); and
  2. Appoint Key Official within 21 days from issue of the Letter of Intent.

Our seasoned team of iGaming Lawyers have acquired a wealth of experience over the years in this dynamic field. We offer counsel to clients with respect to implementing optimal gaming management policies for their gaming company and provide various services during the company set-up and licensing stages, such as providing local directors to act as Key Officers, and extend our services even post-licensing through gaming licence compliance.

Gaming Management - Services Offered

We can provide local directors to act as key officials for your gaming company who will undertake a number of responsibilities, including:

  • System review/ Certification of compliance
  • Sealing of Servers and also ensuring that seals are not broken, and if so, they must be reported to the LGA and re-sealed
  • Incident reports - the LGA is to be advised in respect of any changes made to either the hardware or software of the company, by signing and submitting Incident reports
  • Keeping the LGA updated in respect of any changes to be made to the set-up approved by the LGA.
  • Submission of monthly gaming tax and annual gaming licence fee
  • Submission of the company's accounts/ audit.
  • Ensuring players' funds are adequately held by the Company at all times
  • Data Protection
  • NSO - National Statistics
  • Key Officer will also have access to the back-end system.

A key official will also ensure that the management of the company operates in a manner which is fully compliant with Malta’s relevant regulations and legislation, particularly the legislative instruments outlined below:

  • Companies Act (1995)
  • Data Protection Act (2001)
  • Electronic Commerce Act (2001)
  • Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act (1997)
  • Income Tax Act (1948)
  • Income Tax Management Act (1994)
  • Lotteries and other games Act (2001) and following amendments (Remote Gaming Regulations)
  • Prevention of Money Laundering Act (1994)

Besides from gaming management, our iGaming Unit is fully-geared to provide a vast number of services to gaming companies. Contact our iGaming specialists to see how they can help you in your gaming management, gaming tax or other iGaming needs.

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