Having successfully completed the systems audit (stage two of the iGaming licensing process), the applicant for an iGaming license shall be granted a fully-fledged iGaming licence, subject to a few straight-forward conditions, namely the operation going live and the completion of a compliance audit.
Gaming Licence - Go Live
The iGaming licensee is granted a 60-day period from the date of issuance of the iGaming licence within which it must go live. Therefore, at this stage, preparatory work for enabling the iGaming operation to be up and running and available to players is of the essence. Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates' team usually plays an important role in assisting the iGaming company and its promoters to finalize all the required procedures and policies ensuring that the iGaming company goes live within the stipulated time period – if not before. Our lawyers, accountants and collaborators shall be available to assist you throughout the entire process leading to the launching of the iGaming operation from a legal, financial and technical perspective by providing advice and recommendations as well as general guidance throughout the whole course.

iGaming Compliance Audit
The second condition imposed on the e-gaming licensee is that of completing a compliance audit within a 12-month period from the date of issuance of the e-gaming licence. This audit, as opposed to the systems audit under stage two of the iGaming licensing process, is of a more detailed nature and involves the actual physical inspection of the servers hosting the e-gaming system of the licensee by the Malta Lotteries and Gaming Authority.
This audit of the iGaming company and its systems, which is carried out by third parties approved and appointed by the Malta Lotteries and Gaming Authority, must be initiated within 8 months from the date of issuance of the iGaming licence. Liaison between the directors and personnel of the iGaming licensee and our team and collaborators will prove to be highly fruitful at this stage in order to ensure that all technicalities, procedures and policies employed by the iGaming operator are in line with the requirements of the Malta Lotteries and Gaming Authority, any conditions imposed through the iGaming licence document and the proposed application previously submitted by the iGaming licensee.
Our iGaming lawyers in particular, will assist you prior to going live as well as post-going live so as to ascertain compliance with the relevant legal requirements and criteria imposed by iGaming laws in Malta and the policies of the Malta Lotteries and Gaming Authority.
Upon the iGaming operator going live, a number of ongoing obligations arise. Our legal and accounting departments offer expert assistance and guidance to the Key Official and generally the iGaming operator in this regard so as to ensure the fulfilment of same obligations within the stipulated deadlines.
Ongoing Gaming License Compliance
Following successful completion of the iGaming license compliance audit, the iGaming licensing process is indeed deemed to have come to a close. Having said this, Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates' role as an advisor through its ongoing support and assistance remains a valuable asset throughout the entire duration of the iGaming licence especially in regard to the maintenance of the license itself and adherence to the iGaming laws in Malta and the policies of the Malta Lotteries and Gaming Authority.