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Malta Gaming License Compliance

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Malta Internet Gaming License

While the successful attainment of an internet gaming licence may be said to have brought the internet gaming licensing process to a close, Chetcuti Cauchi’s presence in the internet gaming project can still remain very much alive through the multi-disciplinary assistance and support it offers to internet gaming licensees. A Maltese internet gaming licence is viewed as a privilege, as opposed to a right, and hence both Maltese gaming law and the Lotteries and Gaming Authority require that certain requirements and standards continue to be met throughout the lifetime of the internet gaming licence.

Henceforth, Chetcuti Cauchi does not only assist internet gaming clients in obtaining their internet gaming licence but also in maintaining it and sustaining a commendable reputation for their internet gaming operation and business in general. As a start, our internet gaming team will assist you on a general level by providing advice and guidance as to the manner in which the project should be managed in order to remain compliant with the relevant regulations.

Furthermore, through the our services and those of our collaborators IT specialised persons will not only be available for ongoing support with regard to general queries which may arise throughout the running of the internet gaming operation, but will also guide you in relation to the procedures which are to be undertaken in specific circumstances. Such instances include cases of decommissioning of equipment, installation of new hardware, addition of new games, and occurrence of incidents related to the internet gaming system.

In addition to the general rules by which an internet gaming licensee must abide, there also exist requirements for the submission of reports relating to the financial aspect of the internet gaming company to the Malta Lotteries and Gaming Authority on a regular basis. In this regard, our accountants can assist your Key Official in the preparation of these reports.  This in addition to assistance with and preparation of general book keeping and accounting records that the internet gaming company is required to maintain throughout its lifetime.

Having obtained the requisite internet gaming licence and initiated operations, internet gaming companies generally tend to expand their internet gaming business through projects ancillary to the internet gaming operation in such a manner so as to attract more players to their websites. Through our experience in the industry, Chetcuti Cauchi can assist you in the setting up or hosting of skins on your internet gaming system as well as the acceptance of affiliates for marketing purposes, among other projects. From a legal perspective, we can assist you by drafting the necessary agreements for the creation of contractual relationships with such parties whilst safeguarding your rights and interests to the maximum extent possible. In addition to this, our accounting team shall also provide you with suggestions and recommendations as to the manner in which the financial aspect of the deal is to be handled. On a more general level, we may even put you in touch with service providers and other parties within the internet gaming industry for these purposes.

It is to be kept in mind that an internet gaming licence is granted by the Malta Lotteries and Gaming Authority for a period of 5 years, with the option to have this renewed. Upon the expiration of this time period, our lawyers are able to assist you in the application for a renewal by compiling the necessary documentation, assisting you throughout the process of renewal of the internet gaming license and  undertaking the general liaison with the Malta Lotteries and Gaming Authority in this regard.

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