Malta AIFMs benefit from EU passporting & fast track license approval process. Competitive corporate taxation rates are also available to all Malta AIFMs.
MALTA FUNDS: 580+ investment funds with combined NAV of €9.7billionFINANCIAL SERVICES FRAMEWORK: EU and OECD approvedBANKING SYSTEM: 10th soundest system in the world (WEF)TIMEZONE: Central European Time Zone (UTC+01:00)TOTAL ASSET VALUE PIFS: €6.6 billion TOTAL ASSET VALUE UCITS: €2.4billionGDP GROWTH: 6.3% in 2015 FUND DOMICILE RECOGNITION: Rated No.1 Europe’s favoured fund domicile (Hedge Fund Review’s 2013 and 2014 Service Provider Rankings)
- Provide EU passporting;
- Competitive corporate taxation rates;
- Competitive regulatory fees;
- Fast process of approving;
- Strong regulatory framework;
- Flexible regulator.
The principal legislation governing A lternative Fund and Investment Services Managers in Malta is the Investment Services Act, 1994 (“ISA”) as subsequently amended. The ISA establishes the regulatory framework for investment services providers including fund managers, portfolio managers, investment advisors, and forex brokers.
- Only approved service providers;
- Work with Local representative;
- Reporting requirements;
- Minimum Capital and own funds requirement is €125,000;
- Fit and proper management and shareholding.

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