Malta Commercial Yacht Registration
Dr. Jean-Philippe Chetcuti
FLAG: Largest Registry in Europe CREW: No National Restrictions REGISTRY GROSS TONNAGE: Over 57 Million ACCESSIBILITY AND EMERGENCY: 24/7 Registry Services COMPLIANT: In line with EU laws and internation conventions SUPER YACHTS: +24m superyachts - more than 500 registered
- Types: All Types of Yachts are Registered
- Allows Worldwide Navigation
- Easy Commercial to Pleasure Switch
- 24/7 Registry Service
Registration of commercial yachts in Malta is mainly regulated by the Merchant Shipping Act 1973 and subsidiary legislation enacted thereunder, which incorporate the majority of laws which regulate this sector. Based on Common Law, the Act has been amended several times to reflect changes in maritime trends, conventions and regulations.
Commercial yachts have also to follow the Malta Commercial Yacht Code 2015 requirements. Due consideration must also be given to international maritime conventions and regulations.
On the regulatory side, Malta has a body of maritime laws that provide a solid, reputable and financier friendly environment, including:
• the flexibility of catering for the needs of all types of vessels, from pleasure yachts to oil rigs, including vessels still under construction;
• the absence of restrictions on the nationality of the master, officers and crew engaged on Malta flagged vessels; and
• a secure mortgage system, which has been greatly accepted by banks and financial institutions, therefore, facilitating the attainment of finance for yacht purchases.
Maltese law provides for executive/administrative powers that mortgagees may resort to over the mortgaged vessel and the possibility to sell the vessel privately (not through sale by auction) in cases of default. Additionally, special protection is afforded to mortgagees and privileged creditors in the context of bankruptcy or insolvency of the owner of the vessel in that vessels are granted a special status being separate and distinct assets within the estate of their owner.
This status allows any arrest or enforcement against the vessel by mortgagees or privileged creditors of maritime claims to proceed irrespective of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings.
Commercial yacht registrations are undertaken and administered by the Merchant Shipping Directorate within Transport Malta.
- Length and GT: +15m and Max 3000 GT
- Eligible Owner: Maltese or International Owner
- Proof of Ownership: Bill of Sale
- Seaworthiness & Code Compliance: Survey Report
- Historical and Racing Yachts: Exempt for Particular Requirements on a Case by Case Basis

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