Pre-Nuptial Agreement
key contacts
country highlights
CAPITAL CITY: VallettaLANGUAGES: Maltese, EnglishSCHENGEN: Full Member Since 2007CURRENCY: Euro €TOTAL AREA: 316 km²POPULATION: 417,432NEAREST COUNTRY: Italy, 255 kmTIME ZONE: Central European Time Zone (UTC+01:00)
- The spouses’ assets remain individually owned by each of them
- The spouses can carry acts of administration without each other’s consent
- Each spouse is not responsible for the liabilities contracted by the other spouse
legal basis
The Civil Code (Chapter 16 of the laws of Malta) regulates marriage contracts and stipulates that the default regime which governs a married couple’s property is the Community of Acquests. However, the law establishes procedures how a couple may choose a different regime to apply to their property in marriage
- Both parties need to be 18 years old and over
- Both parties have not contracted marriage yet
- Both parties have the intention to marry and have established a marriage date

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