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Property Tax Advice

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Malta Property Tax Advisors

Purchasing a property, particularly in a foreign country, is a delicate process that necessitates careful planning as well as a close familiarity with the market. Another key element is a thorough understanding of the tax implications of the transaction, especially given the pronounced tendency for real estate taxes to vary considerably from one jurisdiction to the other.  Our Malta property tax advisors guide clients with respects to all the tax implications relating to projects involving the sale or purchase of property.

Property Tax in Malta

The principal taxes that are of relevance in the context of Malta property transactions are the 'duty on documents' and the 'property transfer tax'.

Vendors, whether individuals or corporates, are primarily concerned with the property transfer tax which is a tax on the transfer value of property. This is normally set at 8% of the transfer value, although different rates may apply in specific circumstances. In certain exceptional circumstances, capital gains rules may be applied. 

From the perspective of the purchaser, the primary tax which needs to be considered is the duty on documents tax which is generally set at 5% of the higher of the consideration or the real value. Reductions are available when property is being purchased for the purpose of establishing sole ordinary residence.

Malta doesn't have any inheritance taxes as such, but duty on documents tax is levied on transfer of immovable property by inheritance (causa mortis). Otherwise there are no inheritance taxes, probate duties or wealth taxes in Malta.

Property Tax Lawyers and Professionals

Our property tax specialists work hand in hand with our Property & Development lawyers to provide a holistic solution for your property related advisory requirements. Our property lawyers will handle all aspects of your purchase or sale (including the negotiation and drafting of agreements, introductions to reputable estate agencies, and project management of the transaction) and co-ordinate with our tax advisors who will assist in the structuring and planning of the transfer.

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