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Malta: A New Hedge Fund Domicile - Presentation

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Financial Services in Malta is one of the main pillars of the economy (together with high-tech manufacture and tourism).  This important sector is overseen by one single regulator - the Malta Financial Services Authority.

Malta was largely unaffected by the financial crisis due to the banks being conservative in reserves and mortgages.

The government actively promotes the country as a financial centre. Success stories include:
Malta companies
Hedge Funds
Investment services companies


Financial Services in Malta is one of the main pillars of the economy (together with high-tech manufacture and tourism).  The Malta Financial Services Authority is the single regulator that oversees this sector.

Malta was largely unaffected by the financial crisis due to the banks being conservative in reserves and mortgages.

The government actively promotes the country as a financial centre. Success stories include:

  • Captives
  • i-Gaming
  • Malta companies
  • Hedge Funds
  • Investment services companies

The Maltese Funds Industry has more than 400 funds registered, including UCITS [Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities] and hedge funds. The First Unit Trust was formed in Malta in February 2011.  This fund allows for more tax planning opportunities. Malta also hosts 70 fund management companies (most of which are foreign) and 18 fund administrators.

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