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Malta Forex Licensing

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Malta Forex Lawyers

Malta has become an attractive domicile of choice for FOREX service providers seeking a business and tax friendly environment coupled with a sound legal framework and an overarching reputable financial services regulatory and supervisory authority.

Our Financial Services Advisory Practice Group's expertise and familiarity with local regulatory processes together with the comprehensive licensing and compliance services offered are of valuable assistance to the various market players in the field of foreign exchange, ranging from specialist software providers to forex specialized asset managers and forex trading platforms seeking to provide investment services in relation to FOREX in or from Malta.  

Malta Forex Licenses

Foreign exchange acquired or held for investment purposes is a licensable activity which necessitates the authorization of the MFSA.  Our team provides legal guidance as to which category of investment services licence is to be applied for in reflection of the proposed activity and provides a step-by-step assistance all throughout the licensing process including both pre-licensing and post-licensing services.t the pre-licensing stage, our firm liaises with the MFSA in order to discuss the proposed activity and assists in the drafting and completion of the documentation required for licensing purposes by the regulator. Chetcuti Cauchi's legal team also provides specialized assistance as regards the choice of the most appropriate and tax-efficient legal structure to set up a financial services business in Malta. Post-licensing services include the provision of advice on the applicable licence conditions and a comprehensive compliance service ensuring that all the regulatory conditions relative to compliance are attended to.

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