The Corporate Finance sector is a rigorous one which entails large scale and complex transactions. At Chetcuti Cauchi, our seasoned team of corporate specialists advise various clients, ranging from small private businesses to large multinational companies, who enter into transactions involving intricate details such as; mergers, sales and purchase of shares, and assets and tender offers. Having a solid background in company law, Chetcuti Cauchi is able to advise clients in issues of mergers and acquisitions, divisions and reorganisations. Apart from this, general advice about corporate governance and company law matters is also offered to any clients who are engaged in this field.
Project Finance
Dealing with a widespread sector of the law can be challenging since it encompasses numerous issues which need attention, namely; structuring and financing matters and local regulations. We offer project fiance advice in order to help clients undertake successfully their ambitious business plans while remaining fully compliant with all legal requisites. We do so by providing strategic advice regarding the structuring, negotiating and documenting of a wide spectrum of project and financing agreements suited to each client’s particular needs.
Business Plans and Valuations
In order for a company to set clear business goals, achieve them and reach its full potential creating a professional business plan with the assistance of a seasoned professional and seek professional business valuations which allow business owners to make decisions confidently which help you enhance your results and plan well for a prosperous future.
Our Corporate Finance lawyers have years of experience in the industry and have helped a number of start ups and established businesses outline their business goals from the onset in order to devise a business plan which will truly meet the goals of the business owner. Our team guides clients every step of the way, thus offer assistance with the attainment of any required licence before a business starts operating, project management and the implementation of sound business policies.
Our corporate finance lawyers also carry out optimal analysis of our clients’ business to define which are the business interests and underlying assets in order to provide transformative insights.
Investment management
Through years of experience in the industry, our corporate finance team is able to offer market oriented insights and asset management advice, as well as advice on the best investment vehicles to suit your needs.
Corporate Finance Practice
Our Corporate Finance Team provides advice on project finance, corporate structuring, general corporate transactions, share transfers, agreements between shareholders, mergers and acquisitions, drafting of memoranda and articles of association, divisions, and re-organisations, both motivated and not motivated by tax planning considerations. Our company also advises on issues concerning general company law and governance matters under Maltese company law. The firm has also provided advice in relation to issues of corporate governance and general company law matters under Maltese and Cypriot company law and have advised directors and other company officers as to their corporate finance requisites and other obligations.
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